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🍀 T011 - Warring States Red Mini Treasure Bowl (Including base) 战国红迷你聚宝盆 (包括底座)

RM 428.00 MYR

商品名称 (Product Name)T011 - Warring States Red Mini Treasure Bowl (Including base) 战国红迷你聚宝盆 (包括底座)

宽度 (Width)(cm):4.8

高度包括底座 (Height including base)(cm): 10.5

净重 (Net Weight)(kg):  0.085

重量包括底座 (Weight including base)(kg): 0.177



1. 将聚宝盆摆放在住宅的财位或公司的财位,大一点的气够多,格局够大,才能财源不断;若是摆在房间内,则可用小一点的。

2. 若你很会赚钱,但也很会花钱,则可能是屋宅的气过于流通,所以不聚,则可以在房屋最后面、靠中间的福德位上摆放一个大型的聚宝盆就能有聚气的效果,能赚、能存。

3. 聚宝盆可以摆放在存钱筒、收银机、保险柜、钱柜的上下左右接触的位置,有聚气、聚财的效果,且必须保持其干净、通风。

4. 把聚宝盆放在貔貅的前面,并在聚宝盆里加水、加硬币,可以扩大貔貅的招财功能!

5. 在旺财官方西南方,摆放聚宝盆+水+硬币,可以纳聚财富,起到催财作用。

6. 用聚宝盆来放大财气,在东北方可以摆放聚宝盆加硬币来放大财源,聚拢财气,但不宜加水,因为东北方不宜有水。

7. 聚宝盆可以作为其他水晶、护身符、幸运符等净化、充电的理想工具。

The role and efficacy of the cornucopia

1. Place the cornucopia in the financial position of the residence or the financial position of the company. The bigger one will have enough air and the layout is big enough to keep the money flowing; if it is placed in the room, a smaller one can be used. 

2. If you are good at making money, but you are also good at spending money, it may be that the air in the house is too circulated, so you do not gather. You can place a large cornucopia on the back of the house, near the middle of the merits. It has the effect of gathering qi, can earn and save. 

3. The cornucopia can be placed in contact with the top and bottom of the cash register, the cash register, the safe, and the cash drawer. It has the effect of gathering air and wealth, and it must be kept clean and ventilated. 

4. Put the cornucopia in front of the brave, and add water and coins to the cornucopia to expand the wealth of the brave!

5. Place a cornucopia + water + coins in the southwest of Wangcai's official site to gather wealth and promote wealth. 

6. Use a cornucopia to amplify wealth. You can place a cornucopia and coins in the northeast to amplify wealth and gather wealth, but it is not advisable to add water because there is no water in the northeast.

7. The cornucopia can be used as an ideal tool for purification and charging of other crystals, amulets, lucky charms, etc.